RackNerd Sysbench Tests
1GB Ryzen VPS - Jan 19 2023

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RackNerd 1GB Ryzen VPS $8.59 20 1.0 1

Learn how to read Sysbench test results


The cpu test is one of the most simple benchmarks in SysBench. In this mode each request consists in calculation of prime numbers up to a value specified by the --cpu-max-primes option. All calculations are performed using 64-bit integers. Each thread executes the requests concurrently until either the total number of requests or the total execution time exceed the limits specified with the common command line options.

Test Name total_time per_request_avg per_request_p95 events_rate
Multithreaded 30.00 s 5.28 ms 13.46 ms 756.51 ops/sec
Single Thread 30.00 s 1.32 ms 1.39 ms 756.45 ops/sec


This test mode can be used to produce various kinds of file I/O workloads. At the prepare stage Sysbench creates a specified number of files with a specified total size, then at the run stage, each thread performs specified I/O operations on this set of files.
Sysbench fileio tests are run in synchronous mode, all operations are buffered. All tests are run with a number of threads that matches the number of vCPUs found in the instance with a minimum of 4.

Test Name read_transfer_rate write_transfer_rate avg_latency p95_latency
Random Read 4k (clear cache) 117.78 MiB/s 0 MiB/s 0.13 ms 0.18 ms
Random Read 4k (validate opt) 119.57 MiB/s 0 MiB/s 0.13 ms 0.18 ms
Random Read-Write 4k 50.71 MiB/s 33.81 MiB/s 0.08 ms 0.17 ms
Random Write 4k 0 MiB/s 109.59 MiB/s 0.06 ms 0.18 ms
Sequential Read 128k (clear cache) 1136 MiB/s 0 MiB/s 0.44 ms 0.58 ms
Sequential Read 128k (validate opt) 1146 MiB/s 0 MiB/s 0.44 ms 0.59 ms
Sequential Write 128k 0 MiB/s 1165 MiB/s 0.19 ms 0.19 ms


Memory allocation and transfer speed.

Test Name total_time transfer_rate operations_rate
Read 26.51 s 7.54 GiB/sec 7911013 ops/sec
Read 1MB 18.21 s 54.92 GiB/sec 56235 ops/sec
Write 15.56 s 6.43 GiB/sec 6739665 ops/sec
Write 1MB 16.31 s 24.52 GiB/sec 25108 ops/sec

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