OVHcloud US Web Run Tests
B2-15 - Sep 02 2020

Go to OVHcloud US

Web Run tests are made of a load test tool and a database intensive Rails web application.

The load test tool sends HTTP requests to the web application at a controlled rate and records HTTP response codes, response latencies and timeouts. The load test tool is multithreaded and runs on the same VPS where the web application runs.

The intent is to measure:

  • the response times (latency) of the web server
  • the amount of CPU used to serve those requests under various load levels
  • what's the maximum load at which 100% requests are served without timing out.

Provider: OVHcloud US
Plan: B2-15
Datacenter: Virginia, USA
Number of CPU cores: 4
CPU type: Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX)

Web Runs by request rate

Note: the P99 is the 99th percentile. The P99 latency is the latency of the 1% slowest HTTP requests in the web run.

Rate (reqs/s) Average Latency P99 Latency CPU idle CPU steal Successful requests Timed out requests Duration (minutes)
1 79ms 280ms 97% 0.02% 304 0 5
5 70ms 150ms 90% 0.05% 1504 0 5
10 70ms 150ms 80% 0.02% 6005 0 10
15 68ms 150ms 71% 0.01% 4505 0 5
30 67ms 150ms 45% 0.01% 9012 0 5
45 65ms 150ms 21% 0.01% 13519 0 5
60 62ms 150ms 0% 0.01% 18027 0 5
70 62ms 145ms 0% 0.01% 18175 2825 5

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