Private Trials: VPSBenchmarks on your Servers

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It is now possible to run the same benchmarks familiar to all visitors of on your own servers. The new feature is called "Private Trials" and it's makes it possible to know how your servers measure up to every other cloud server available for purchase.

Every year VPSBenchmarks runs hundreds of tests (aka trials) on VPS from all the major cloud providers in the world. On each VPS, tens of performance metrics are collected and grades between A and F are calculated to summarize the results, making it easy to compare them all.

Now you can run the same benchmarks, collect the same metrics and calculate the same grades on the server of your choice. Once it's done, you'll know exactly how it performs and if it's worth the price you're paying for it.

All the Private Trial results are available in the same Trial and Comparison pages that you may be familiar with if you used VPSBenchmarks before. Your servers are also ranked in the Screener page.

It is self service, you bring your own server and give its connection information to VPSBenchmarks. Press the Start button and we take over from there: VPSBenchmarks will automatically install the benchmarking tools on the machine and run the tests. Running the entire set of tests takes about a day and a half. Once the tests are complete, we cleanup the tools to leave the machine as close as possible to the state it was before the trial it and we remove the credentials you gave us from our servers. We're certainly not going to poke around your server but to be safe, it's highly recommended that you don't leave any data you care about on the machine before submitting the server connection information.

Server connection form

The server you want to benchmark must run Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04, it must have 1GB RAM or more and 20GB of available disk space or more.

Your first Private Trial is just $2. Sign up first and then pass the order from Private Trial product page.

Updated January 2021: the server may run Ubuntu 20.04 as well as 18.04.

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