VPS Comparison: OVHcloud vs. Hetzner

Compare all the 2vCPU VPS plans of OVHcloud US and Hetzner from a pricing and performance perspective in text/tables and then in a chart.

Okay, let's compare the 2 vCPU plans from OVHcloud US and Hetzner.

OVHcloud US

Based on the information I have, OVHcloud US offers several plans with 2 vCPUs. Here's a breakdown of the ones with performance data:

Plan Name Cores Memory (GB) Disk (GB) Price (USD) Overall Performance Score Price Weighted Score CPU Grade Web Grade Disk Grade Network Grade Stability Grade
VLE-2 2 2 40 5.5 54.7 82.2 C A C C C
b3-8 2 8 50 36.58 60.4 59.1 C C B C A
C3-4 2 4 50 32.62 62.5 64.4 C A B C B
C2-7 2 7 50 42.24 42.9 38.3 D C B C C


Hetzner also has a few 2 vCPU plans, let's look at the ones with performance data:

Plan Name Cores Memory (GB) Disk (GB) Price (EUR) Overall Performance Score Price Weighted Score CPU Grade Web Grade Disk Grade Network Grade Stability Grade
CX22 2 4 40 3.79 51.5 79.4 D D B A C


  • Pricing: Hetzner's CX22 plan is significantly cheaper than the OVHcloud plans. OVHcloud's VLE-2 is the cheapest at $5.5 per month, but most of the other plans are above $30. It is important to note that Hetzner prices are in EUR, so the exact USD price will vary slightly with exchange rates.
  • Performance:
    • The Hetzner CX22 has a good price weighted score (79.4), meaning it offers good performance for its price.
    • OVHcloud's VLE-2 has a slightly better price weighted score (82.2) than Hetzner's CX22, and similar overall score (54.7 vs 51.5).
    • OVHcloud's C3-4, b3-8 plans have a better overall score, but their price weighted score is worse, meaning they are more expensive for a similar performance.
    • OVHcloud's C2-7 has a poor overall performance and price weighted score compared to the other plans.
  • Grades:
    • Hetzner's CX22 has a good network grade (A), but all its other grades are average or below average.
    • OVHcloud's VLE-2 has a good web grade (A), while all other grades are average.
    • OVHcloud's C3-4 has good web and disk grades (A and B), while all its other grades are average.
    • OVHcloud's b3-8 has a very good stability grade (A), while all its other grades are average or below average.
    • OVHcloud's C2-7 has average or below average grades in all categories.


Here's a chart comparing the overall performance and price-weighted scores of the plans:

Are there any fast alternative in the US with 2 cpu cores at a low price?

Certainly! Here are some of the fastest VPS options with 2 CPU cores in the US, with a maximum price of $15 per month, based on overall performance:

Provider Plan Name Cores Price (USD) Overall Score
Server_optima AMD EPYC 7763 Plan 1 2 12.00 80
Hetzner CAX31 2 12.49 EUR 72
Contabo Cloud VPS 1 2 4.5 EUR 64
Salmoncloud Large SJC 2 14.80 64
Hivelocity VPS.MD 2 14.00 60
OVHcloud US VLE-2 2 5.50 55
Snakecraft Hosting Value VPS-2 2 9.00 53
Hetzner CX22 2 3.79 EUR 52
Evoxt VM-2 2 11.99 52
Linode Shared 1GB 2 5.00 52
1gbits Linux VPS 1 2 14.49 52
Genesis Public Cloud c6asx.large 2 13.00 52


  • The prices for Hetzner and Contabo are in EUR, so the exact USD price will fluctuate slightly based on the current exchange rate.
  • The "Overall Score" is a measure of the general performance of the VPS, with a higher score indicating better performance.
  • This list is not exhaustive, but it includes some of the top-performing options within your specified criteria.
  • The Hetzner CAX31 has an overall score of 72, it is worth considering even if its price is slightly above the 12 USD limit.
  • The Server_optima AMD EPYC 7763 Plan 1 has the highest overall score (80) in this list, making it a very good option if you are looking for the fastest VPS.

I hope this helps!

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