VPS Comparison in Germany: Price vs Performance

What providers have locations in Germany, sell VPS with 4 cores below $30 and offer object storage? Draw a chart with the performance and price of all those VPS plans?

Here's a chart representing the price and performance of the selected VPS plans.

Plan Cores Price (USD) Performance Score
Hetzner CX32 4 6.8 N/A
Contabo Cloud VPS 1 4 4.9 63.6
IONOS Cubes L 4 16.49 50.9
IONOS VPS Linux L 4 15 43.5
IONOS Basic Cube M 4 18.72 N/A

The Hetzner CX32, Contabo Cloud VPS 1, IONOS Cubes L, IONOS VPS Linux L and IONOS Basic Cube M plans all have 4 cores and are below $30. The chart shows the price and performance score of each plan. Please note that the performance score is not available for all plans.

Contabo's Cloud VPS 1 is the cheapest option and has a good performance score. The IONOS VPS Linux L and Cubes L plans are more expensive but still under $20. The Hetzner CX32 and IONOS Basic Cube M plans don't have a performance score.

Can you show me the performance of those plans in more details?

OK, I have the performance details for the plans, let's break it down:

  • Hetzner CX32: Unfortunately, there is no performance data available for this plan.
  • Contabo Cloud VPS 1:
    • Overall Score: 63.6
    • CPU: 4.6 (B)
    • Web Performance: 5.2 (A)
    • Disk I/O: 3.4 (C)
    • Network: 1.6 (E)
    • Stability: 4.3 (B)
  • IONOS Cubes L:
    • Overall Score: 50.9
    • CPU: 3.0 (D)
    • Web Performance: 3.9 (C)
    • Disk I/O: 2.2 (D)
    • Network: 2.7 (D)
    • Stability: 3.5 (C)
  • IONOS VPS Linux L:
    • Overall Score: 43.5 and 68.6 (two trials)
    • CPU: 2.8 and 4.4 (D and B)
    • Web Performance: 1.7 and 4.1 (E and B)
    • Disk I/O: 2.1 and 2.1 (D)
    • Network: 4.3 and 5.0 (B and A)
    • Stability: 2.1 and 4.9 (D and A)
  • IONOS Basic Cube M: Unfortunately, there is no performance data available for this plan.

Here's a table summarizing the performance grades:

Plan CPU Web Disk Network Stability
Contabo Cloud VPS 1 B A C E B

The Contabo Cloud VPS 1 has the best performance overall, especially in web performance and stability. The IONOS VPS Linux L has a good network performance but is less consistent across the different trials. The IONOS Cubes L plan has the weakest performance overall.

It's worth noting that the Hetzner CX32 and IONOS Basic Cube M plans don't have any performance data available.

Do you have a link for the latest Contabo Cloud VPS 1 trial?

The latest trial for the Contabo Cloud VPS 1 is available at this URL: https://www.vpsbenchmarks.com/trials/contabo_performance_trial_25Oct2024.

What do you mean by D/B for the IONOS VPS Linux L CPU grade? Are there more than one grade?

OK, I see. There are two trials for the IONOS VPS Linux L plan.

The first trial, ionos_performance_trial_01Apr2024, has the following grades:

  • CPU: 2.8396 which is a D
  • Web Performance: 1.7302 which is an E
  • Disk I/O: 2.1166 which is a D
  • Network: 4.2515 which is a B
  • Stability: 2.12 which is a D

The second trial, ionos_performance_trial_04Jul2023, has the following grades:

  • CPU: 4.4198 which is a B
  • Web Performance: 4.103 which is a B
  • Disk I/O: 2.1427 which is a D
  • Network: 5.006 which is an A
  • Stability: 4.9235 which is an A

That's why I used the "D/B" notation for the CPU, "E/B" for Web Performance, "D" for Disk I/O, "B/A" for Network and "D/A" for Stability.

Show me yab results for Contabo Cloud VPS 1 in text and tables and also in a chart

OK, I have a list of yabs for the Contabo Cloud VPS 1. Here are the results in text, table, and chart format:

YAB Results for Contabo Cloud VPS 1

Here's a summary of the most recent 10 YAB results, including the date, Geekbench 6 single and multi-core scores, disk I/O read and write speeds, and network download/upload speeds.

  • contabo-4c-6gb-20241214-a12de2 - 2024-12-14: Geekbench 6 (Single: 27, Multi: 46), Disk I/O (Read: 22, Write: 22), Network (Down: 4, Up: 6)
  • contabo-4c-6gb-20241025-tg6477 - 2024-10-25: Geekbench 6 (Single: 86, Multi: 81), Disk I/O (Read: 21, Write: 21), Network (Down: 5, Up: 7)
  • contabo-4c-8gb-20240911-fe36cc - 2024-09-11: Geekbench 6 (Single: 15, Multi: 35), Disk I/O (Read: 22, Write: 22), Network (Down: 5, Up: 7)
  • contabo-4c-6gb-a9a613 - 2024-08-18: Geekbench 6 (Single: 32, Multi: 52), Disk I/O (Read: 3, Write: 3), Network (Down: 5, Up: 7)
  • contabo-4c-6gb-f9e043 - 2024-08-12: Geekbench 6 (Single: 16, Multi: 38), Disk I/O (Read: 3, Write: 3), Network (Down: 4, Up: 7)
  • contabo-4c-8gb-2a5601 - 2024-07-28: Geekbench 6 (Single: 12, Multi: 32), Disk I/O (Read: 3, Write: 3), Network (Down: 4, Up: 7)
  • contabo-4c-6gb-81de32 - 2024-07-14: Geekbench 6 (Single: 21, Multi: 38), Disk I/O (Read: 3, Write: 3), Network (Down: 5, Up: 7)
  • contabo-4c-6gb-1221b9 - 2024-06-19: Geekbench 6 (Single: 31, Multi: 51), Disk I/O (Read: 22, Write: 22), Network (Down: 4, Up: 6)
  • contabo-4c-6gb-5b6fb3 - 2024-05-29: Geekbench 6 (Single: 17, Multi: 10), Disk I/O (Read: 22, Write: 22), Network (Down: 4, Up: 6)
  • contabo-4c-6gb-b553d7 - 2024-03-17: Geekbench 6 (Single: 14, Multi: 31), Disk I/O (Read: 3, Write: 3), Network (Down: 4, Up: 6)

Table of YAB Results

YAB Permalink Date Geekbench 6 Single Geekbench 6 Multi Disk I/O Read Disk I/O Write Network Down Network Up
contabo-4c-6gb-20241214-a12de2 2024-12-14 27 46 22 22 4 6
contabo-4c-6gb-20241025-tg6477 2024-10-25 86 81 21 21 5 7
contabo-4c-8gb-20240911-fe36cc 2024-09-11 15 35 22 22 5 7
contabo-4c-6gb-a9a613 2024-08-18 32 52 3 3 5 7
contabo-4c-6gb-f9e043 2024-08-12 16 38 3 3 4 7
contabo-4c-8gb-2a5601 2024-07-28 12 32 3 3 4 7
contabo-4c-6gb-81de32 2024-07-14 21 38 3 3 5 7
contabo-4c-6gb-1221b9 2024-06-19 31 51 22 22 4 6
contabo-4c-6gb-5b6fb3 2024-05-29 17 10 22 22 4 6
contabo-4c-6gb-b553d7 2024-03-17 14 31 3 3 4 6

Chart of YAB Results

Full specs of Contabo VPS 1?

OK, here are the full specs of the Contabo Cloud VPS 1, based on the information I have:

  • Name: Cloud VPS 1
  • Provider: Contabo
  • Price: 4.5 EUR per month (approximately 4.9 USD)
  • CPU: 4 cores
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Disk: 100 GB
  • Data Transfer: 32000 GB
  • Unlimited Bandwidth: False
  • Hourly Billing: False
  • Dedicated CPU: False

I hope this is helpful!

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