Linode Instance Types


Instance types offered by Linode.

Compute optimized

Dedicated CPU

Dedicated compute for CPU-intensive workloads. Dedicated CPU instances run on their own CPU cores in the Linode infrastructure. No sharing the processor with other instances.
Around 40GB storage per CPU core.

Cost per vCPU: $15.00
RAM per vCPU: 2GB
Hourly billing: yes
CPU type: Mix
Shared CPU: no
Storage included: yes
Provider page for instance type:
Plans: Dedicated 4GB, Dedicated 8GB

Minimum hardware model for consistent performance on dedicated resources. Premium instances provide the highest level of performance for CPU intensive or latency sensitive workloads running on Linode's best available AMD Epyc™ processors.

Cost per vCPU: Between $21.50 and $21.62
RAM per vCPU: 2.0GB
Hourly billing: yes
CPU type: Amd
Shared CPU: no
Storage included: yes
Provider page for instance type:
Plans: Premium 4GB, Premium 8GB

General purpose

Shared CPU

Balanced performance for nearly any workload. Affordable Shared CPU plans are ideal for general workloads and include generous amounts of free bundled transfer.

Cost per vCPU: Between $10.00 and $20.00
RAM per vCPU: Between 2.0 and 4.0GB
Hourly billing: yes
CPU type: Mix
Shared CPU: yes
Storage included: yes
Provider page for instance type:
Plans: Shared 1GB, Shared 2GB, Shared 4GB, Shared 8GB

Memory optimized

High Memory

High Memory instances offer a cost-effective way to run memory-intensive applications on dedicated CPUs. Perfect for when you need more RAM without increasing storage or vCPUs.

Cost per vCPU: Between $30.00 and $60.00
RAM per vCPU: Between 12.0 and 24.0GB
Hourly billing: yes
CPU type: Mix
Shared CPU: yes
Storage included: yes
Provider page for instance type:

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