VDS M by Virtarix

Specifications and performance for Virtarix - VDS M


Instance Type: VDS

This plan belongs to the Virtarix VDS server line (General Purpose).

Instance Type Description

No description

Provider page for instance type: https://virtarix.com/cloud-vds/

Instance Type Specifications

Approximate Cost per vCPU Between $15.25 and $16.50
Approximate RAM per vCPU 8.0GB
Hourly billing no
Shared CPU no
Storage included yes

See also all Virtarix instance types.

"VDS M" Plan Specifications

Provider Virtarix
Plan URL https://virtarix.com/cloud-vds/
Price per month $66.00
Discount or Surcharge for
long or short term use
Discounted monthly price: $59.40
Minimum commitment for discount: 1 year
Hourly Billing No
Disk GB 300
Num Cores 4
Memory GB 32
Virtualization KVM
Data Transfer GB Unlimited
Burstable CPU No
Dedicated CPU Yes

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