This plan belongs to the Verpex Linux VPS server line (Private Servers).
Linux VPS Hosting with dedicated resources, root access option and 24/7 customer support.
Approximate Cost per vCPU | Between $6.25 and $20.00 |
Approximate RAM per vCPU | 2.0GB |
Hourly billing | no |
CPU type | MIX |
Shared CPU | yes |
Storage included | yes |
See also all Verpex instance types.
Provider | Verpex |
Plan URL | |
Price per month |
First month only: $20.00 / month |
Discount or Surcharge for long or short term use |
No |
Hourly Billing | No |
Disk GB | 160 |
Num Cores | 4 |
Memory GB | 8 |
Virtualization | KVM |
Data Transfer GB | Unlimited |
Burstable CPU | No |
Dedicated CPU | Yes |