This plan belongs to the UpCloud High CPU server line (Cloud Servers).
High CPU plans offer sets of resources ideal for higher computational needs while being price competitive.
Approximate Cost per vCPU | Between $21.31 and $22.00 |
Approximate RAM per vCPU | 2.0GB |
Hourly billing | yes |
CPU type | AMD |
Shared CPU | yes |
Storage included | yes |
See also all UpCloud instance types.
Provider | UpCloud |
Plan URL | |
Price per month | 130.00€ ($143.00) |
Discount or Surcharge for long or short term use |
No |
Hourly Billing | Yes: 0.1935€/hour |
Disk GB | 100 |
Num Cores | 8 |
Memory GB | 12 |
Virtualization | KVM |
Data Transfer GB | 4000 |
Burstable CPU | No |
Dedicated CPU | No |