This plan belongs to the servinga General purpose server line (Single server line).
High Performance VPS hosting for your business.
Reliable Virtual Private Servers for websites, e-commerce and other applications
Approximate Cost per vCPU | Between $5.00 and $6.67 |
Approximate RAM per vCPU | Between 1.0 and 1.3GB |
Hourly billing | no |
CPU type | MIX |
Shared CPU | yes |
Storage included | yes |
See also all servinga instance types.
Provider | servinga |
Plan URL | |
Price per month |
20.00€ ($22.00)
servinga lets you deduct 4.00€ from this price if you don't need an IPv4 address. |
Discount or Surcharge for long or short term use |
Discount Discounted monthly price: 18.00€ Minimum commitment for discount: 1 year |
Hourly Billing | No |
Disk GB | 100 |
Num Cores | 4 |
Memory GB | 4 |
Virtualization | KVM |
Data Transfer GB | 6000 |
Maximum Network Speed | 100 Mbps |
Burstable CPU | No |
Dedicated CPU | No |
Badges are awards granted to VPS plans that meet certain quality criteria.
Meets Bandwidth Specs | servinga - Premium delivers all the bandwidth advertised in its specifications | |
Twenty Requests Per Core | servinga - Premium serves more than 20 HTTP requests per second per vCPU | |
Over 1300 Geekbench6 Score | servinga - Premium serves got a Geekbench6 single core score over 1300 | |
Stable Performance | servinga - Premium performance is very stable over long periods of time |
We conducted 5 different types of tests during the latest trial for servinga - Premium. Review the results and compare this plan to its competitors.
Yabs | Web Runs | Network Transfers | Sysbench | Endurance |
Review | Review | Review | Review | Review |
Compare | Compare | Compare | Compare | Compare |
This plan was tested 7 times at The table below shows all trials run on the Premium plan with its grade and CPU type.
Start of Trial | CPU | Datacenter | Overall Grade |
Nov 09 2024 | AMD EPYC Processor | Frankfurt, Germany | C |
May 08 2024 | AMD EPYC-Rome Processor | Netherlands | D |
May 07 2023 | AMD EPYC-Milan Processor | Frankfurt, Germany | D |
Nov 08 2022 | AMD EPYC-Rome Processor | Germany | C |
May 06 2022 | AMD EPYC-Rome Processor | Germany | C |
Nov 08 2021 | AMD EPYC-Rome Processor | Netherlands | C |
May 07 2021 | Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge, IBRS update) | Netherlands | D |