Hi-CPU Ruthenium by PQ.Hosting

Specifications and performance for PQ.Hosting - Hi-CPU Ruthenium


Instance Type: Hi-CPU VPS

This plan belongs to the PQ.Hosting Hi-CPU VPS server line (General Purpose).

Instance Type Description

AMD Ryzen 9 7950X

Provider page for instance type: https://pq.hosting/en/vps-hi-cpu-de

Instance Type Specifications

Approximate Cost per vCPU Between $5.50 and $9.35
Approximate RAM per vCPU Between 1.0 and 2.0GB
Hourly billing no
CPU type AMD
Shared CPU yes
Storage included yes

See also all PQ.Hosting instance types.

"Hi-CPU Ruthenium" Plan Specifications

Provider PQ.Hosting
Plan URL https://pq.hosting/en/vps-hi-cpu-de
Price per month 17.00€ ($18.70)
Discount or Surcharge for
long or short term use
Discounted monthly price: 14.45€
Minimum commitment for discount: 1 year
Hourly Billing No
Disk GB 70
Num Cores 2
Memory GB 4
Virtualization KVM
Data Transfer GB Unlimited
Maximum Network Speed 10000 Mbps
Burstable CPU No
Dedicated CPU No

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