vm.v3-medium by HOSTKEY

Specifications and performance for HOSTKEY - vm.v3-medium


Instance Type: Edge

This plan belongs to the HOSTKEY Edge server line (VPS).

Instance Type Description

DDR5 + AMD EPYC 4th Gen for High-load services, high-load databases, mediastreaming, machine-learning.

Provider page for instance type: https://hostkey.com/vps

Instance Type Specifications

Approximate Cost per vCPU Between $5.22 and $10.89
Approximate RAM per vCPU Between 2.0 and 6.4GB
Hourly billing no
CPU type AMD
Shared CPU yes
Storage included yes

See also all HOSTKEY instance types.

"vm.v3-medium" Plan Specifications

Provider HOSTKEY
Plan URL https://hostkey.com/vps/
Price per month 15.00€ ($16.50)
Discount or Surcharge for
long or short term use
Discounted monthly price: 13.20€
Minimum commitment for discount: 1 year
Hourly Billing No
Disk GB 60
Num Cores 4
Memory GB 8
Data Transfer GB 3000
Maximum Network Speed 1000 Mbps
Burstable CPU No
Dedicated CPU No

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