Specifications and performance for EVLBOX - Gaming 4cores 16GB
This plan belongs to the EVLBOX Gaming server line (VPS).
Ryzen 9 5950X CPUs, 20Gbps DDoS protection, offsite snapshot backups, Nitro game panel and NVMe SSDs.
Approximate Cost per vCPU | $12.00 |
Approximate RAM per vCPU | 4GB |
Hourly billing | no |
CPU type | AMD |
Shared CPU | no |
Storage included | yes |
See also all EVLBOX instance types.
Provider | EVLBOX |
Plan URL | https://evlbox.com/ultra-fast-vps |
Price per month | $48.00 |
Discount or Surcharge for long or short term use |
Discount Discounted monthly price: $38.40 Minimum commitment for discount: 1 year |
Hourly Billing | No |
Disk GB | 240 |
Num Cores | 4 |
Memory GB | 16 |
Virtualization | KVM |
Data Transfer GB | 8000 |
Maximum Network Speed | 10000 Mbps |
Burstable CPU | No |
Dedicated CPU | No |