ORACLE Cloud vs SalmonCloud

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We have tested 2 VPS plans from ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud. We'll show which one is best based on a detailed performance analysis, on features and prices.



It is headquartered in California and the USA.
It offers VPS, Dedicated, Storage and Databases hosting products.

It has datacenters in:
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Germany
  • India
  • Japan
  • Netherlands
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom
  • United States



It is headquartered in the United Kingdom.
It offers VPS, Dedicated servers and Colocation hosting products.

It has datacenters in:
  • Hong Kong
  • United States

VPS Plans

Plan Name Monthly Price CPU cores Memory (GB) Disk Space (GB) Data Transfer (GB) Latest trial
E5 2 threads 4GB $27.36 2 4.0 45 0 Nov 28 2023
E5 4 threads 8GB $58.54 4 8.0 45 0 Jun 08 2024

Compare specs for all plans from all providers

Performance Grades

To summarize the performance of each VPS plan, we generated grades based on the various tests that were run: web, sysbench, endurance and remote timing tests. Each grade focuses on one aspect of the VPS speed or stability (cpu, disk IO, network IO...) and is made of one or more metrics measured during the tests.

Grades are evenly distributed between A and F. A is best, F is worst.

Follow the letter links to find the test results backing the grade.

How are grades calculated?

Screen all VPS from ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud
Plan Name Web Perf Raw CPU Power Perf Stability Disk IO Perf Network Perf
E5 2 threads 4GB
E5 4 threads 8GB
Show Price Weighted Grades   

Features and Datacenters

This list is a subset of the features each provider may offer.

ORACLE Cloud SalmonCloud
Backups  No No
Block storage  Yes No
Object storage  Yes No
Load balancer  Yes No
DDoS protection  No No
Hourly Billing  Yes No
SSH Keys Setup  Yes Yes
Total Number of Datacenters  20 2
Number of Datacenter Continents  4 2
Compare more ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud Features


These are the CPUs we have seen in ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud instances in the past 18 months.

ORACLE Cloud SalmonCloud
All ORACLE Cloud CPUs by plan All SalmonCloud CPUs by plan
AMD EPYC 9J14 96-Core Processor

Performance Consistency

The provider consistency score shows how much variation can be expected between 2 servers of the same type at the same provider. A high consistency score (>65) means the performance of all servers of the provider is consistent over many trials and many plans.

Providers who don't have enough data yet at VPSBenchmarks don't have a consistency score.

ORACLE Cloud SalmonCloud
Consistency Score 55 -


VPS Instance Provisioning Time

This is the average time it took to create an instance for ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud from instance order to instance accepting connections.

All VPS provisioning times

ORACLE Cloud SalmonCloud
Number of instance creations in sample 2 0
Average provisioning time 55s 0s

Performance in Depth...

These are some of the test results that are used to determine the grades above.

Web Response Times

We ran a database intensive web application at various levels of load on cloud servers from ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud. This is the average response time measured locally on the VPS for each plan we tested.

Local Response Time per Plan

Lower is better

Maximum HTTP Load

We ran a database intensive web application at various levels of load on cloud servers from ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud. This is the maximum rate of HTTP requests that each server handled without timing out.

Maximum HTTP request rate

Higher is better

During the Web Test, we collect response time metrics, rate metrics and CPU metrics. All of those are measured locally on the VPS running the web server. All metrics can be compared on the Web Performance Comparison page.

Sysbench CPU Performance

We ran the full suite of Sysbench tests on VPS plans of ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud. These are the Sysbench CPU test results:

Rate of operations

Higher is better

Sysbench Disk IO Performance

We ran the full suite of Sysbench tests on VPS plans of ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud. These are the Sysbench Disk IO Random Read test results:

Rate of operations

Higher is better

Sysbench test results are also available for random disk IO tests, sequential disk IO tests and memory tests.
Review and compare all Sysbench numbers on the Sysbench Comparison page for ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud.

Network Transfers

We have performed large file transfers from the ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud VPS and we measured the speed of downloads and uploads.

The transfers involve multiple files, 10 threads and last for at least 10 seconds at maximum speed. The transfers are repeated 3 times from different servers and only the fastest transfer is reported here.

Download Speed per Plan

Higher is better

Network Transfers measurements including download and upload speeds can be compared for ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud on the Network Transfers Comparison page.

Sustained CPU Endurance Tests

We pushed the CPU of those VPS plans hard for 24 hours straight.

This test shows how fast the VPS can go for long periods of time, how stable the performance is and it also gives clues on how overallocated the VPSs may be.

Throughput variations of the endurance test over 24 hours. The coefficient of variation is the standard deviation of the test throughput divided by its average value. Low variations mean that resources allocated to the server were stable for the duration of the test and there was little contention.

Ops/hour coefficient of variation

Lower is better

Review and compare endurance test results for ORACLE Cloud and SalmonCloud on the Sustained CPU Endurance Comparison page.

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