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Datacenter Countries

The selected providers have datacenters in the following countries.

BuyVM SalmonCloud
United States
Hong Kong
United States

Features and Usability

Features not included in the VPS price in plans tested at will be marked as missing.

BuyVM SalmonCloud
Hourly Billing  No No
DDOS Protection  No No
Backups  No No
Control Panel  Stallion WHMCS, VirtFusion
SSH Keys Setup  No Yes
Total Number of Datacenters  3 2
Number of Datacenter Continents  2 2
Monitoring Charts  No Yes
Admin REST API  No No
Upgrade VPS from admin console  Yes No
Mobile Friendly UI  Yes Yes
Reverse DNS  Yes Yes
Accepted Forms of Payment  Credit cards, Paypal, Alipay, Coinbase Stripe (credit/debit cards), Paypal, cryptocurrencies
Hidden CPU Model  No No
Affiliate Program  Yes Yes
Firewall  No No
Shelving  No No

Extra Services

Those services are offered by providers independently of their cloud servers.

BuyVM SalmonCloud
Backups  -  Instance backups or snapshots
Block storage  -  Allocate storage volumes independently of instances and attach them to instances of your choice
Object storage  -  Data storage for objects, individual files with API access
Load balancer  -  Distribute traffic across set of instances
Floating IP addresses  -  Allocate IP addresses independently of instances and attach them to instances of your choice
Team Management  -  Management of users who are authorized to handle resources in your account
Managed databases  -  Managed databases such as MySQL, Postgresql, Aurora, ...
Serverless  -  Deploy code as functions and let the provider manage where the code runs
DDoS protection  -  Distributed Denial of Service protection
Kubernetes  -  Management of Docker containers
GPU instances  -  GPU instances to run your AI workload
Private network  -  Use private IP addresses to communicate between your own instances at this provider

Stengths & Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Sometimes great performance for the price.
  • Unreliable performance, large variations are to be expected between one day and the next.
  • Often out of stock.
  • Slow VPS provisioning (days sometimes).
  • BuyVM does not allow ordering VPS from any location that is away from the address you have on file.

Performance Comparisons

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